How to Sync your Contacts with Google Contacts on the iPhone. If you’re an iOS user who spends any time in Google’s cloud (or have a mixed selection of devices), then you can also sync your Google contacts with your iPhone. First, head into the Settings menu, then choose Accounts and Passwords. Tap the Add New Account option, then Google.
- To keep your contacts backed up and synced to all your devices, you can automatically save device contacts as Google contacts. Google contacts are available across Google services and can be.
- On 'Contacts', you can see the contacts you manually added, or that were added to Google Contacts via an integration or contact sync. However, if you email someone but haven't added them as a contact, Google Contacts automatically saves their email address in your 'Other contacts' group.
- Google Contacts needs to get better. Google and Gmail devotees regularly deal with duplicate contacts, sync abnormalities, over-stuffed contact groups, and other problems. Here are our best.
Before activating the Google Contact sync with Wise Agent, it is important to make sure your phone and Google are syncing. If your phone is not syncing with Google please use the following link for iPhone members and this link for Android members.
(You are not required to sync your phone with Google to use this feature with Wise Agent, however, if you are going to sync your phone with Google, it is recommended that you set this sync up before activating the Google sync with Wise Agent).
Now that you have successfully synced Google with your phone you are one step closer to seamlessly connect all of your contacts.
Next, you will need to go through all of your contacts in Gmail to make sure they are all saved under your contacts, categorized your contacts, deleted any junk contacts, and merged any duplicate records. It is crucial that you do NOT skip this step. To start cleaning up your Google contacts, we recommend starting with the 'Other Contacts' category
Once you have successfully gone through and cleaned up your Google contacts, you are now ready to start the sync between Google and Wise Agent.

In Wise Agent, make sure you have a completely clear database (preferably no contacts). If you already have a full database of contacts in your Wise Agent contact list, please contact our support team to receive specialized instructions before moving on to the steps below.
How to Activate the Google Contacts sync in Wise Agent:
Sync Google Contacts Android
- Log in to Wise Agent
- Click on the Integrations drop-down menu and then on the Settings options
- From the main Integrations page, scroll down to the header that says 'Google Contacts Sync' click on the drop-down arrow.
- From the Google Contacts Sync header, click on the 'activate' button
- You will then be prompted to sign-in/select the Gmail account you wish to connect for the sync. (keep in mind you will need to allow Wise Agent access to your Gmail account in order for the sync to work)
- Once you have successfully connected your Google account, go to your main contact list in Wise Agent. To get there click on the 'Contacts' drop-down menu and then on the 'Contact List' option.
- On your Contact List, click on the green button on the top right corner that says start sync. (once you have clicked on the button to start the sync - your contacts from Google will start to sync over into Wise Agent.)
Keep in mind that this is an all-or-nothing sync, meaning all Gmail contacts will sync into your Wise Agent account and all contacts added into Wise Agent will automatically populate in Google. Here is an article that goes over more of our Google Contacts Sync Rules.
Activating the Google Contacts sync allows members to seamlessly connect all their important databases. With Google as the middleman, you don't have to wait until you get back to the office to add a new prospect. Now, you can do it all from your phone.
The sync will be from your phone to Google and then to your Wise Agent account. Because this is a two-way sync, The synchronization is set up to mirror your contacts in all three places and there are no additional fees.
What Is Google Contacts Sync
Click Here for instructions in Spanish!
Watch a short video tutorial here to sync your Google contacts with Wise Agent
After successful beta-testing, we’re pleased to announce our latest integration: automated two-way sync of your contacts between WORK[etc] CRM and Google Contacts.
What is Google Contacts Sync for WORK[etc]?
The Google Contacts Sync feature keeps person-type contacts synchronized between your G Suite Mail account and WORK[etc]. In other words, contacts created or updated in your G Suite Mail account will also update in WORK[etc] and vice versa. In addition, Google Contacts Sync synchronizes data across users in your organization so that any newly added contacts or updates are shared, ensuring that everyone has access to the most up-to-date contact information. Google Contacts Sync uses the tagging feature from WORK[etc] and Google Contact groups to let you specify exactly which contacts you wish to synchronize.
How will having CRM with Google help me?
Let’s imagine one of your customers gets a new email address and provides it to a member of your support team. If the support team member updates the contact inside WORK[etc], the new email address will be pushed directly to your G Suite Contacts. Without the automated sync, you may go unaware of the change and send a message to an invalid email address. Time would inevitably be wasted contacting people for the correct email address.
Another powerful use for Contact Sync is creating People contacts in WORK[etc] directly from your G Suite CRM. Let’s say you receive an email from a potential supplier. If you add the supplier to a Google Contact Group for Suppliers, Contacts Sync will create the supplier in WORK[etc]. No need to create the contact twice.
For a final example of what Google Contact CRM Sync can do for you: Say you get a great lead at a conference. If you’re typing the lead’s contact details into your phone using the WORK[etc] mobile app, with Sync set up, you can rest assured that the contact will show up in your G Suite Mail account so you can send a quick follow-up email later without having to fat finger in the email address a second time.
For safety reasons, we designed the Google Contact Sync so that it can’t delete contacts, giving you piece of mind that your contacts will remain safe. Inconsistent records (mismatches, deleted contacts, etc) show up in the Contacts Conflict Resolution tool so these conflicts can be easily managed.
This sounds great, how do I set up my CRM and Google Contacts Sync?
To set up Google Contacts Sync inside WORK[etc], you’ll need to have a G Suite Account enabled in WORK[etc]. Once this is completed, you can access the Google Contacts Groups Auto Sync Settings from the Settings, Apps and Integrations menu.
You can set up automatic sync in three simple steps:
1 – Basic Settings
Choose what do to in the event of a conflict, for example, two contacts with the same name but different telephone number. You can choose to manually approve all changes or to accept the latest change (recommended). Next select if you want to only sync updated (recommended) or all contacts each sync.
2 – WORK[etc] to Google Sync
Set up the WORK[etc] to Google sync options. You need to select which contact groups you wish to sync from WORK[etc] using selected tags. You can also specify which group(s) to place the contacts in. For example, you may have multiple WORK[etc] tags for contacts you want to sync, but you only want these contacts to be saved inside a ‘Work Contacts’ Google Group for simplicity sake.
3 – Google to WORK[etc] CRM Sync
Set up the Google to WORK[etc] sync options. Similar to WORK[etc] to Google, you select the Google Contact Groups you wish to sync and the WORK[etc] tags (if any) you wish to apply to synchronized contacts.
For more detailed information on setup, check out the G Suite Contact Sync User Guide or watch the short video below.
We’re listening!
We’re excited to release Google Contact Sync from beta. This is a feature eagerly anticipated by the WORK[etc] community and we’re glad to be able to provide this integration. We’d like to thank all of our beta testers for their feedback and encourage you to continue engaging with us and other customers on our forums. Now that this feature is done, we’re looking forward to working on other enhancements to our small business software that directly benefit your growing business.
Have you been waiting for Google Contacts Sync? Excited that you now have two way contact sync for your organization? Be sure to Like, Tweet, or +1 this article to share this great new addition to WORK[etc].