Access Google Drive with a free Google account (for personal use) or Google Workspace account (for business use). Google Search Central, formerly Google Webmasters, is here to help the right people view your content with resources to make your website discoverable to Google Search. Start by reading this quickstart to Google Search. Download Firefox Browser - 308 Permanent Redirect.
How to get your website on Google Search
Google Search Central, formerly Google Webmasters, is here to help the right people view your content with resources to make your website discoverable to Google Search. New to SEO? Start by reading this quickstart to Google Search.
Business or marketer
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I'm interested in SEO from a business standpoint, and I might hire consultants to do tasks for my site.
Google Browser Games
I build and manage websites. I'm interested in monitoring and resolving common issues with how my site shows up on Google Search.
SEO professional
I already know the basics of how Google Search works. I'm focused on monitoring website traffic, optimizing ranking, and make informed decisions about the appearance of my site in Search results.
Why Google Search?
Browse SEO case studies and learn how other sites have reached more people by improving their site's presence on Google Search.
Saramin increased organic Search traffic 2x
In addition to seeing a traffic increase, Saramin saw the quality of their traffic improve. They saw a 93% increase in the number of new sign ups and a 9% increase on the conversion.
StyleCraze improved site CTR 1.2x
StyleCraze saw their click-through-rate (CTR) increase by 20% for the first URL. They implemented How-to structured data to five other how-to articles to understand how this could work for them at scale.
ZipRecruiter grows conversion rate 4.5x
After the launch of
structured data, Google organic traffic to ZipRecruiter job pages converted at a rate three times higher than organic traffic from other search engines. Check out what's new on Google Search Central
Find out the latest Google Search news, including recent announcements, upcoming events, changes to documentation, new videos, and podcast episodes.
Monitor, debug, and optimize your site with Search Console
Search Console is a free tool from Google that helps developers, website owners, and SEO professionals understand how their site is performing on Google Search.
Looking for help?
Get help with your site SEO, Google Search, search rankings, security issues, Search Console, and more.