Commas Meaning

The Oxford (or serial) comma is the final comma in a list of things. For example:

Inverted Commas Meaning

The Oxford comma comes right after eraser. Download mac os mountain lion.

Commas Meaning In Telugu

It is important to learn how to use punctuation such as commas in your writing to clarify the meaning of your sentencesUse these Commas KS2 Worksheets to explain to your children how commas can be used to clarify meaning. Adding a comma to a sentence can change the meaning of it entirely. Adobe primere wont download on my mac book air. I Need to display a number with commas and decimal point. Eg: Case 1: Decimal number is 432324 (This does not have commas or decimal Points) Need to display it as 432,324.00 but not 432,324. Case 2: Decimal number is 2222222.22 (This does not have commas) Need to display it as 2,222,222.22. I tried ToString('#,##0.##').

Use of the Oxford comma is stylistic, meaning that some style guides demand its use while others don’t. AP Style—the style guide that newspaper reporters adhere to—does not require the use of the Oxford comma. The sentence above written in AP style would look like this:

Here’s a tip: Commas can be tricky, but they don’t have to trip you up. Grammarly’s writing assistant can help you make sure your punctuation, spelling, and grammar are tip-top on all your favorite websites.

Unless you’re writing for a particular publication or drafting an essay for school, whether or not you use the Oxford comma is generally up to you. However, omitting it can sometimes cause some strange misunderstandings.


Without the Oxford comma, the sentence above could be interpreted as stating that you love your parents, and your parents are Lady Gaga and Humpty Dumpty. Here’s the same sentence with the Oxford comma:

Those who oppose the Oxford comma argue that rephrasing an already unclear sentence can solve the same problems that using the Oxford comma does. For example:

could be rewritten as:

Comma Before Meaning


What do you think about Oxford comma? Download adobe reader in my mac. Share your thoughts in the comments!