Pycharm Community Edition Installation

The professional edition of PyCharm requires a subscription, while the community edition is free. For this PyCharm tutorial, we will use the community edition. This will start downloading the.exe file. After the download is complete, run the file to install PyCharm. Because PyCharm community edition comes with a lot of exciting features such as version control, visual debugging, syntax highlighting and many more. In this article, I will guide you to install PyCharm on your computer without any errors. Follow the steps given below to install and set up PyCharm IDE for Python: Download Python by clicking here.

  1. Step 1: pipenv install --python 3.8
  2. Step 2: pipenv shell
  3. Step 3: pipenv install flask flask-sqlalchemy flask-marshmallow marshmallow-sqlalchemy flask-migrate psycopg2

flask-sqlalchemy is the sql-alchemy with flask bindings. flask-marshmallow is like the Serializer in Django Rest Framework, marshmallow-sqlalchemy is common binding between marshmallow and sqlalchemy (for things like ModelSerializer in Django Rest Framework).flask-migrate is migration tool for Flask based on ALEMBIC.psycopg2-binary is for connecting to postgres db.

Note: If psycopg2 install gives errors use psycopg2-binary. But this is a development only binary. It is not meant for production. For production, you need to compile psycopg2 from source.
See here for installing psycopg2 if you face issues:

Now create the application file.. traditionally called (or…whatever your taste).
Stick in this boilerplate code in